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Photoshop CS3 Photo Effects Cookbook: 53 Easy-to-Follow Recipes for Digital Photographers, Designers, and Artists, by Tim Shelbourne
Download Ebook Photoshop CS3 Photo Effects Cookbook: 53 Easy-to-Follow Recipes for Digital Photographers, Designers, and Artists, by Tim Shelbourne
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Whether you're just getting getting into Photoshop or have been using it for a while, you know that it's a many-faceted application that can be somewhat overwhelming to master. With 53 easy-to-follow recipes, Photoshop CS3 Photo Effects Cookbook shows you how to use Photoshop CS3 to simulate classic camera and darkroom techniques and special effects--without making you first learn Photoshop inside and out.
The book covers:
- Using the improved Vanishing Point, Lens Blur, and Black & White filters
- Creating graphic art effects: posterization, watercolor, pen and ink
- Working with lighting effects: neon glows, lens flares, fire and flame effects
- Simulating natural phenomena: rain, snow, and lightning
- Adapting traditional techniques: film grain, contrast masks, hand-tinting, cross-processing
- Adding motion blurs and other special effects
- Assembling multi-layered images and photomontages
Packed with hundreds of full-color images, step-by-step instructions, and many practical tips, this book-and Adobe Photoshop CS3- are all you need to create professional graphic art effects from almost any image source.
- Sales Rank: #2056614 in Books
- Published on: 2007-12-13
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 10.06" h x .52" w x 9.25" l, 1.63 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 176 pages
- ISBN13: 9780596515041
- Condition: New
- Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!
About the Author
Tim Shelbourne worked for 20 years as a traditional artist and illustrator before converting to digital image making. Tim specializes in digital fine art and photo-manipulation using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Corel Painter. His tutorials are published regularly in many UK digital photography and Photoshop magazines. Tim's website is currently being redesigned and he will be launching a huge range of Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paint Shop Pro and Painter video tutorials very soon.
Most helpful customer reviews
9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
Joy of Photo Cooking
By Allen Stenger
This book provides clear step-by-step instructions for creating many traditional photographic and graphic arts effects using Photoshop. It does not deal with color correction and retouching, but with creating new images based on photographs. It covers a wide variety of effects. You won't use all or even most of them, but if you are interested in this kind of work there should be enough here to make the book worthwhile.
This book is nominally for the CS3 version of Photoshop, and includes a good summary of the new features, but doesn't use very many of them in the recipes.
The most impressive effects were in the chapter "Graphic Art Effects". This chapter deals with creating traditional painterly images such as water color, pencil drawing, pen and ink, and even woodcut. Unfortunately this is also the area where Photoshop gives you the least help--the recipes here are essentially that you do a little bit of prep work, and then you trace the photograph by hand.
Other interesting examples were applying a flat tattoo to a curved body, adding a rainstorm, adding a rainbow (surprisingly easy with an existing rainbow gradient), caricatures (distortion), and adding a simulated wood look under a photograph. It also includes the ever-popular "fully engulfed in flames" look, saved from banality by including flame reflections in a polished saxophone.
The book doesn't do much explaining in the recipes, but it does have a good summary of Photoshop features in the beginning of the book, including a lot about layers (which you will use heavily in these recipes). Unlike many other books the techniques do not depend very much on the correct choice of values for the many Photoshop parameters. Most of the recipes take about ten steps, which I think is a good balance of complexity against the impressive final results.
There are many intermediate screen shots so that you can check your progress (handy if you tend to lose your place and leave out steps). My only significant gripe about the book is that the recipes are printed in a tiny sans serif font (I measured it at 8 points on 9 point line spacing).
Very Good Feature: the sample images are freely downloadable at the book's web site rather than on CD.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A Somewhat Difficult Recipe Book
By Russell Workman
I have the original CS version of this book plus this one and both books are very similar in content.There has been no CS4, CS4 or CS6 editions of this book.
If you have later than CS3 versions of Photoshop you may find it difficult to follow as various controls have been re-named or changed.
If you persevere with the instructions on how to achieve the effects, the results are quite worthwhile. However the main beef I have with this book is that the author assumes you know where to find the various Photoshop controls and so just says 'go to' ... whereas similar effects books clearly flag the position.
Also, as Photoshop has progressed, some of these effects are now rather outdated.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Not what I expected
By James Weidenfeller
I found the title to be a little misleading. Having read (and owning) several of Kelby group books I found "Photo Effect Cookbook" a repeat of those. If you are into graphics using a photograph I am sure it is helpful. More for that interest than the photographer interested in improving their images through Photoshop. I ended up after a week returning the book to the vendor. Not because it was bad, but because it wasn't what I wanted.
Photoshop CS3 Photo Effects Cookbook: 53 Easy-to-Follow Recipes for Digital Photographers, Designers, and Artists, by Tim Shelbourne PDF
Photoshop CS3 Photo Effects Cookbook: 53 Easy-to-Follow Recipes for Digital Photographers, Designers, and Artists, by Tim Shelbourne EPub
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Photoshop CS3 Photo Effects Cookbook: 53 Easy-to-Follow Recipes for Digital Photographers, Designers, and Artists, by Tim Shelbourne iBooks
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Photoshop CS3 Photo Effects Cookbook: 53 Easy-to-Follow Recipes for Digital Photographers, Designers, and Artists, by Tim Shelbourne Mobipocket
Photoshop CS3 Photo Effects Cookbook: 53 Easy-to-Follow Recipes for Digital Photographers, Designers, and Artists, by Tim Shelbourne Kindle
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